Share Your World

Share Your World – Week 13 and Week 14

I missed Week 13 of Cee’s challenge Share Your World, so this week I am answering for the both last two weeks.

Week 13

  1. What is your favorite month of the year? In different periods of my life I had different favorite months. Most of the time I used to love the summer and favorite months were July and August. Once it was also September, because then it’s my birthday. Once was also December, because of Christmas. Now it’s April and May, because lately I’m in love with the spring time.
  2. What is something you learned in the last week? Last week I made birthday cards for the children of one group where me and my son are also members. In every card I put the meaning of the name of the child, so I had to learn the origin and the meaning of about hundred names. 🙂
  3. What color looks best on you? I love wearing black clothes, so my answer must be black, but other people have told me that magenta also looks good on me.
  4. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?Oh, it would be hard to choose. I wonder between invisibility, super strenght, telekinesis and mind reading. I think I’ll go for the last one.You can see here what other people have answered.

Week 14

  1. Who was your favorite Teacher – what grade and why? Hard to choose. I’ll say my English teacher who I had from 10th untill 12th grade. My favorite pedagogue was the tutor that I had in the dormitory where I lived from 8th till 12th grade.
  2. What do you like most about your home? My home is a small appartment. There’s no really what to like about it, I always dreamed to live in a house with yard or garden(it happened few times but not for long). Well, I like this apartment in the winter – all the windows look south, and when there’s sun in the day time, even if outside is cold, you don’t need to put the heating on.
  3. If you were forced to change the name of your blog what would you change it to? It may be „The fogs above Tareh“. Or „Julliane Ford“. Or „Lost amongst the muses“. Or „Ithil’ quesir“. Or „Moon Elf“. Or simply „Sabina“. Looks like I have plenty of ideas. 😀
  4. If a movie was made based on your life, what actor/actress would play you? Hmmm, this is a hard choise! I’m thinking about Cate Blanchett, Julie Bowen, Naomi Watts, Diane Kruger, Sonya Walger… Well, I never denied I’m narcissistic person, probably that’s why I choosed so beautiful actresses.:D

    You can see here what other people have answered.

About Rois

Ithil' quessir or Moon elf, mum of the Moon prince and the Sun prince.


6 thoughts on “Share Your World – Week 13 and Week 14

  1. По принцип нямам навика да си избирам любими неща за къща или любим месец. Имам слабост към черния цвят, а той, според мен, стои добре на повечето хора – ех, слабост 🙂
    При условие, че съм сменил 4 училища, трудно ще намeря любим учител. Може би последният, който ми преподаваше литература, тъй като ценеше хората с нестандартно мислене, а не зубрачите, които са прочели всички литературни драсканици на пишман-професори. За него беше празник всяко контролно или класно, защото после разнасяше из цялото училище моите листове и ги четеше пред всеки клас, повтаряйки, че тези неща в никой алманах не ги пише.

    Posted by tutankhamon661 | неделя, 11 март, 2012г., 21:05
  2. Thanks so much for particpating. I enjoyed your answers!

    Posted by Cee Neuner | вторник, 13 март, 2012г., 2:45

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